Amidst a plethora of “black box” sustainability ratings providers, new startup ESGRoadmap sets out to provide only reliable, primary source information. It has been launched today with 6 distinct tools covering over 500 of the world’s largest companies.

The company’s mission is to “organise the world’s sustainability commitments”. Its solutions seek to help stakeholders get a clear assessment of a company’s sustainability journey and compare this to key peers.

Unlike competitors, it does not deploy complicated algorithms or scoring methodologies. Each data point is sourced directly from the company’s website, with users shown the source report utilised. It is also purely forward-looking, assessing only future targets.

In an era of sustainability polarisation and “greenwashing” concerns, the founders of ESG Roadmap believe its tools are of critical importance. They allow quick comparison of targets, helping its clients get an immediate sense of their ambitiousness and materiality.

Member page screenshot
Image: Screenshot from ESG Roadmap member page

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