Supporting ESG research & education

professor teachingESGRoadmap is pleased to offer our university partners complementary access to our tools.

Click here to set up a university account

Our tools are utilised by academics for a variety of purposes
– Research
– Teaching
– Case studies
– External engagement

Our data
The ESGRoadmap data tools helps universities advance their corporate sustainability research and teaching programmes. They currently include the ESG targets of 500+ listed companies, segmented by sustainability theme. All these are “primary source” data points, scraped directly from the companies’ own reports and press releases. We were set up in 2023 and are actively building out our data set.

Free accounts
Our university programme offers free accounts to promote cutting edge research into ESG topics. We see this as closely aligned with the company’s mission to “organise the world’s sustainability commitments”. And as a firm set up by a group of academics and developers we are aware of the importance of good data sources for universities – and the steep prices charged by many data providers, even for academic licenses.

University partnerships
Our university partners provide us with invaluable feedback on the usability of the tools, which we use to drive product development. They also periodically share examples of how they utilise the data, which we anonymise and utilise as case studies (for the avoidance of doubt, no screening or pre-authorisation is required).

Setting up an account
Universities can choose to set up a joint account (with a single login) or individual staff accounts.

Click here to set up a university account

More information
For more information, email