ESG Gender

One prominent area of focus for ESG is gender equality in organizations. Gender equality represents a commitment to social sustainability and significantly shapes a company’s ESG objectives.

Defining Gender Equality Targets


Gender equality targets are specific objectives set by companies and organizations to promote a better cross-gender representation in its workplace. Gender equality targets are crucial to ESG reporting, reflecting the organization’s commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.

Gender Equity vs Gender Equality

Gender equity and gender equality are two distinct but interrelated concepts in the context of companies. Gender equality ensures that women and men have the same rights, opportunities, and treatment, regardless of gender. This means equal pay for equal work, equal representation in leadership positions, and an absence of discrimination.

Gender equity goes a step further by recognizing that not everyone starts from the same place due to historical disparities. It strives to level the playing field by addressing these imbalances and providing tailored support to bridge the gap. This might involve targeted mentoring, flexible work arrangements, and childcare support.

Companies that support gender equity and gender equality are more likely to create inclusive and diverse workplaces that benefit everyone.

gender equality

Gender Equality Initiatives

Companies aiming to achieve gender equality typically set targets that encompass various initiatives. Some examples of gender equality targets and ESG reporting include:

  1. Gender Parity in Leadership: Companies may strive to have equal representation of women and men in leadership positions, including the board of directors and executive teams.  Examples may include setting a target for the percentage of women in leadership positions, including board of directors and executive positions.
  2. Pay Equity: Setting targets to ensure that women and men are compensated equally for equivalent roles and responsibilities.
  3. Diversity and Inclusion Programs: Creating initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion, including policies to support employees of all genders and backgrounds. Examples may include setting a target for a percentage of diverse employees and requiring a targeted amount of training hours,

Other Initiatives 

There are several other initiatives that companies should track. While these are not typically subject to long-term targets, it is important for companies to be mindful of targets, which are often linked to greater female representation. 

  1. Work-Life Balance: Developing programs that address work-life balance issues, supporting maternity and paternity leave, flexible working arrangements, and childcare facilities.
  2. Gender-based Violence Prevention: Establishing measures to prevent and address gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace.
  3. Education and Training: Providing opportunities for education and training that promote gender equality and inclusion, such as unconscious bias training.

Why Gender Equality Targets Matter

Gender equality targets are vital in promoting a more inclusive and equitable society and workplace. Here’s why they are crucial:

  1. Promoting Social Sustainability: Gender equality is a fundamental aspect of social sustainability. By setting gender equality targets, companies contribute to an equal society.
  2. Economic Benefits: Research has shown that companies that support gender equality often perform better financially. Gender equality can lead to enhanced innovation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  3. Attracting Talent: Organizations committed to gender equality are more likely to attract and retain diverse talent. This can lead to a competitive advantage in the job market.
  4. Enhancing Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to gender equality through ESG reporting can boost a company’s reputation with customers, investors, and stakeholders.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: In many regions, there are legal requirements regarding gender equality. Setting and achieving gender equality targets ensures compliance with these regulations.
  6. Fostering a Positive Workplace Culture: A workplace that values gender equality tends to have a more positive, inclusive, and harmonious culture, benefitting all employees.


Setting and Achieving Gender Equality Targets

Gender equality targets require a structured approach to setting and achieving them. ESG reporting examples in gender equality includes:

Data Collection: Start by collecting data on gender diversity within the organization. Understand where disparities exist and the scope of the problem.

Goal Setting: Set specific and measurable gender equality targets. Ensure these targets align with the organization’s values and objectives.

Implementation: Develop initiatives and policies to achieve these targets, including mentorship programs, diversity training, and family-friendly policies.

Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly monitor progress toward gender equality targets and report on these efforts transparently in ESG reporting.

External Validation: Seek external validation from organizations like Catalyst, UN Women, or gender equality certifications to ensure the legitimacy of your efforts.


Benchmarking Comparing Targets 

While gender equality targets may appear relatively homogenous, this is not the case. They can actually be quite difficult to compare between companies. This is typically due to different target populations that are covered in a target – such as the board, all senior management, all employees, employees & contractors etc. It is hence important to carefully assess staff population being captured when comparing goals

Try out our Gender Equality Tool today

To get started, check out the ESGRoadmap Gender Equality Tool. Sign up for free today and start your research today with a free trial.